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Try This Peaceful Style of Bible Journaling

In a world filled with noise and busyness, finding peace and tranquility is a precious gift. Bible journaling offers a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos, providing a peaceful and simple style of creative expression. By embracing minimalism and focusing on the essence of what we read in God’s Word, we can create a serene space that allows us to connect deeply with God's Word. In this blog post, we will explore the beauty of a simple style of Bible journaling and how it can cultivate a sense of peace for your mind and nourishment for your heart.

1. Embrace Minimalism:

A peaceful and simple approach to Bible journaling involves embracing minimalism in our creative expression. Instead of elaborate designs or intricate artwork, we focus on simplicity and minimal embellishments. This style allows the words of scripture to take center stage, inviting us to savor and meditate on their meaning. By intentionally decluttering our pages, we create a visual calmness that promotes a...

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Discover the Character of God Through Bible Journaling

The pursuit of a deeper understanding of God's character is a lifelong journey that brings us closer to His heart. Bible journaling, a creative and introspective practice, provides a unique avenue for discovering and unveiling the multifaceted nature of God. When we combine our artistic expression with time in God's Word, we embark on a transformative journey that reveals His love, mercy, wisdom, and faithfulness. In this blog post, we will explore how Bible journaling can become a powerful tool for discovering and experiencing the character of God in a personal and profound way, and we’ll talk about how to record what you learn in a creative way so you can be reminded of His character when you need it most.

 Engaging with Scripture:

Bible journaling invites us to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, studying, meditating, and reflecting on His teachings, promises, and stories. As we select passages that resonate with us and then explore their meaning, we gain...

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Looking for Joy? Find it in Bible Journaling!

    We’re all looking for joy as we go through our day….and through our life. When we discover things that elicit joy in our lives, it can be a transformative and empowering experience.  You may, along with myself and many others, find yourself searching in all the wrong places to find the joy that so easily eludes us when we don’t know where to look. I’ve discovered that when I look for joy on the shelves of my pantry, (chocolate anyone?) the joy doesn’t last long.

    God’s Word is a source of true joy, and Bible journaling is not only fun, but on a deeper level, it offers a unique avenue for discovering His lasting joy as we engage with scripture. It’s rewarding to be able to express yourself artistically while spending time with the Creator of the Universe.  Then you have the privilege of experiencing that joy over and over again when you go back to review what you’ve written down. 


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Micro-Journaling Simplified

bible journaling Feb 13, 2020
(*some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I make millions in revenue. LOL.  Just kidding.  I do, however earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase from one of the links.  This helps keep this blog up and running.  Thanks for being a part of it.)

Have you ever looked at the beautiful pieces of fancy artwork pictured in other women’s Bible pages on Pinterest boards and concluded that Bible journaling isn’t for you because you don’t have a journaling Bible and can’t even draw a stick figure?  I’ve got good news! You don’t have to. Long before I co-authored “The Complete Guide to Bible Journaling”, I started out micro-journaling in my regular Bible without wide margins.  

 What is micro-journaling anyway?

Micro journaling is simply taking short notes and/or making small doodles in the available space in your Bible so that you can keep...

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3 Ways to Find Time for Jesus

3 tips for making time for Jesus

(Free Bible reading Plan available at the end)

Do you desperately want to have an intimate relationship with Jesus but you don’t know how to get there? Have you ever wondered why you are overwhelmed with the circumstances in your life while other people seem to authentically trust God?  Do you wish you could live like that? If you’re like me, you’re constantly bombarded with distractions and demands that can keep you from taking the time to read His Word and talk to Him in prayer.

Good news.  

It IS possible to live with purpose and confidence knowing that you are implementing a plan that leaves you feeling invigorated instead of overwhelmed.

In this post I’ve narrowed down a few steps that will help you find the time with God your heart is craving, but keep in mind that no formula will work for every person.  You have to find the plan that works for you personally. This one will get you started. You have to be...

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How to Pick the Perfect Journaling Bible

bible journaling May 09, 2019
(*some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I make millions in revenue. LOL.  Just kidding.  I do, however earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase from one of the links.  This helps keep this blog up and running.  Thanks for being a part of it.)

Whether you’ve already decided you want a journaling Bible or you're just wondering what a journaling Bible is, you've come to the right place.   

Before we jump into all the details, let me just point out that a journaling Bible is just like a regular Bible in the text, but it also has wide margins on the sides so that you have place for note taking and artwork.  It’s a great place to write down what you’re learning and keep a record of the time you spend with Jesus. It has been life-changing for me and I hope it is for you too.

Let me preface this article by saying a journaling Bible with wide margins is nice, but...

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8 Bible Journaling Hacks That Won't Break Your Budget

bible journaling Apr 10, 2019

Have you seen beautiful artwork in people’s Bibles online and wished you could do it too? Bible Journaling is a satisfying way to engage with God’s Word in a creative way.  There are endless lessons to be learned and recorded so that you can come back to them at a later date and recall the truths God has taught you. This process of recording your faith journey is priceless, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. You don’t need a big stash of supplies in order to create a beautiful treasure of memories to highlight the time you spend with Jesus.  

If you don't already have a journaling Bible, and your thinking about purchasing one,  you might want to check out this Facebook Live where I talked about how to pick out a journaling Bible. You can find a good one for $25-$35, but if that’s not in your budget right now, you can absolutely get started with things you already have around the house.

 Really, the only thing you...

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Make your own Bible Journaling Tip-in

bible journaling Mar 28, 2019

Have you been toying with the idea of journaling about your journey with Jesus but don’t know where to start?  Todays tutorial is just one way to add artwork to your Bible, especially if you don’t have one with wide margins.

If you have a journaling Bible with wide margins, you could do your artwork there, or even in a separate art journal.  There isn’t a right or wrong way to do it, you can simply get started with what you already have on hand. 

 If you don’t have a journaling Bible with margins, you can jump right in with any Bible you already have by doing your art on a piece of paper or vellum, tracing paper or even deli paper that is later inserted into your Bible.  The advantage to trying new techniques on a separate piece of paper is that you can feel free to try new things without worrying that it might not turn out how you like it.  If you like how it turns out, you can add it as a “tip-in” (taped to the...

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5 Easy Steps To Start Bible Journaling

bible journaling Jan 17, 2017

Are you looking for a way to engage with God’s Word in a way that makes it come alive?  Bible journaling is a unique way to express your faith visually, and to deepen your relationship with God. My life is significantly impacted by the power of God’s Word since I have engaged with it creatively.  Studies show that when we engage both the logical and creative side of our brains, we retain the information longer and more effectively.  Today I’m going to show you 5 easy steps to start illustrating the truths God shows you in His Word.


Although many people purchase Bibles with wide margins, you don’t need to invest in a special Bible; you can simply get started with what you already have on hand.

Here is a simple way to start:

Step 1: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to your heart

Take a moment to set aside all the concerns of the day and seek the truth God wants you to know.  It’s worth the time it takes to...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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