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3 things Bible Journaling is NOT

Bible journaling has become a popular and creative way for believers to connect with God's Word. It provides a unique way to engage with scripture through artistic expression. However, it is essential to understand what Bible journaling is NOT, to prevent losing sight of its true purpose and spiritual significance. In this blog post, we will explore three important aspects that Bible journaling should not be, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the message of God’s Word rather than fixating only on the art.

Not an Artistic Competition:

Bible journaling is not a competition to create the most visually stunning or elaborate artwork. It is not about comparing your artistic abilities with others. Every individual has a unique style, and the focus should be on personal expression and connection with God, rather than outdoing others in terms of creativity. Every entry you create has the potential to be a valuable reminder of the truths God is teaching you. Therein lies the greatest value. 

Instead of focusing on the art, make your entries simple but meaningful. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to write when you sit down to journal in your Bible. To get you started, I have created a free workshop with step-by-step instructions on how to formulate what to write and how to make easy yet beautiful entries. It will make the process of Bible journaling more fun and rewarding when you understand the simple framework you’ll learn in the workshop. 


Not Simply Going Through the Motions:

Bible journaling is not a mechanical exercise or a box you need to check every day. It is not merely about going through the motions of decorating the pages without engaging with the scripture on a deeper level. The purpose of Bible journaling is to meditate on the inspired Word of God, allowing it to speak to your heart, transform your thoughts, and guide your actions. It requires genuine contemplation and spiritual reflection. Simply embellishing the pages without internalizing the message diminishes the true essence of Bible journaling. 

Instead, during your quiet time, ask God to speak to you, listen for what He has to say, and keep a record of His truth. Each encounter with Him has the potential to be life changing. 


Not Detracting from the Word of God:

It is crucial to recognize that Bible journaling should never detract from the Word of God itself. While creative expression is encouraged, it should not overshadow the importance of reading, meditating, listening, and writing what the Lord is speaking to you. The artistry should enhance your understanding and connection with the scripture, not distract you from its message. As Joshua 1:8 emphasizes, meditating on the Word day and night leads to spiritual prosperity and success. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a balance between creativity and reverence, ensuring that the message of the inspired Word remains central to your Bible journaling practice

Bible journaling is undeniably a powerful tool for connecting with God and growing in faith. By understanding what Bible journaling is NOT, we can approach this practice with the right mindset, focusing on the depth of our relationship with God rather than the outward appearance. Remember to pray and ask God to open your ears to His teachings, making a note of His messages, and reviewing them later. Let your Bible journaling experience be a blessing that deepens your spiritual connection with God and leads to growth in your faith journey.

 To learn the step by step process of Bible journaling and recording the truth God is teaching you, attend our FREE workshop “4 Steps to Restore Peace and Experience Rest in Bible Journaling”. In that workshop, you can watch over my shoulder and make a Bible journaling entry right along with me. You’ll also get a printable pack of graphics (*including the doodle cheat sheet) to get you started making meaningful entries, even if you can’t draw. Click HERE to register today and I’ll see you there!


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